This is a short flick of my girls! Awww! They are so sweet! ^_^ Its mainly to show those of you who have not been blessed to see Ella as yet!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

So... What does every one think?? I personally am in love!!
Wanna hear the baby story?? If not then don't read the rest of this post :) If you do keep your eyes where they are!
Little Ella Louise arrived at 12:43am on Thursday morning. She is 6pound 11ounces and is a great feeder and poos alot!
I was on Facebook at about 7:15 and was pumping (trying to pump my milk) away for about 5mins (trying to encourage labor - bad move!)
I heard this big as *POP* and knew my waters just busted... Nothing was coming out yet... but I knew. I didn't want to move coz I was worried of gushing all over the new carpet (silly I know)!
My Joe was having a mini fit... he didn't want to deliver the baby at all much less at home on his own!!! He calmly (as calmly as one can in this type of situation) got the kids into the car and we went off to the hospital - I "had" a reputation of having 30 min labors and we were 30 mins away from the hospital, so we had to get there... Everyone at the hospital was ready for us to get there with baby in hand... but unfortunately it was just Joe and i who strolled up the ramp to the hospital and no baby...
A friend took the kids for us. She came to get them from the hospital and strangely she brought the Relief Society President with her!! Both their families were having dinner!! How funny!!
It was almost 8pm - BUT NOTHING WAS HAPPENING!! My contractions were irregular - VERY irregular. Soft tightinings of the tummy... then uncomfortable pain then HARD CORE nasty as pain! They were not going to send me home coz we lived to far away and because my waters - which were dribbling out green, meaning baby had pooed inside and was in a little distress- had already broken. Yet they were not too worried. I was though!! I still had to get this baby out!! That meant pushing!! CRAP! What had I done!! Why did I want labor to come on so soon????
At about 12am my contractions started to get NASTY. Sat in a hot shower that did squat all to help with the pain and got stuck in there wanting to push!
Midwife told me not to push till she had done an internal! WTH??? NOT PUSH!!! (This woman had obviously not had a baby!) She told me to get onto the bed and lie down so she could see what was going on. NOT COOL LADY! After she poked me I got onto my knees to wait... Another contraction came hard and fast. I didn't want to push but I couldn't help it! I had too... Mid scream and push MID WIFE told me to stop pushing again coz she was alone and wanted someone else there with her! She asked my DH to go and call someone - I WAS MID PUSH AND SHE WANTED ME TO LET GO OF HIS HAND!!! WTH was she thinking??
ANYWAYS... Ella literally slipped in to the world less than a few mins after that...
I was so tired... But so glad and felt so blessed to have my little girl safe, healthy and OUT!
That damn clotting needle hurt more than the labor almost! I swore when she stabbed me! Didn't even do that during the labor...
Ok... So we are home now... Just so tired but soooo happy...
I was on Facebook at about 7:15 and was pumping (trying to pump my milk) away for about 5mins (trying to encourage labor - bad move!)
I heard this big as *POP* and knew my waters just busted... Nothing was coming out yet... but I knew. I didn't want to move coz I was worried of gushing all over the new carpet (silly I know)!
My Joe was having a mini fit... he didn't want to deliver the baby at all much less at home on his own!!! He calmly (as calmly as one can in this type of situation) got the kids into the car and we went off to the hospital - I "had" a reputation of having 30 min labors and we were 30 mins away from the hospital, so we had to get there... Everyone at the hospital was ready for us to get there with baby in hand... but unfortunately it was just Joe and i who strolled up the ramp to the hospital and no baby...
A friend took the kids for us. She came to get them from the hospital and strangely she brought the Relief Society President with her!! Both their families were having dinner!! How funny!!
It was almost 8pm - BUT NOTHING WAS HAPPENING!! My contractions were irregular - VERY irregular. Soft tightinings of the tummy... then uncomfortable pain then HARD CORE nasty as pain! They were not going to send me home coz we lived to far away and because my waters - which were dribbling out green, meaning baby had pooed inside and was in a little distress- had already broken. Yet they were not too worried. I was though!! I still had to get this baby out!! That meant pushing!! CRAP! What had I done!! Why did I want labor to come on so soon????
At about 12am my contractions started to get NASTY. Sat in a hot shower that did squat all to help with the pain and got stuck in there wanting to push!
Midwife told me not to push till she had done an internal! WTH??? NOT PUSH!!! (This woman had obviously not had a baby!) She told me to get onto the bed and lie down so she could see what was going on. NOT COOL LADY! After she poked me I got onto my knees to wait... Another contraction came hard and fast. I didn't want to push but I couldn't help it! I had too... Mid scream and push MID WIFE told me to stop pushing again coz she was alone and wanted someone else there with her! She asked my DH to go and call someone - I WAS MID PUSH AND SHE WANTED ME TO LET GO OF HIS HAND!!! WTH was she thinking??
ANYWAYS... Ella literally slipped in to the world less than a few mins after that...
I was so tired... But so glad and felt so blessed to have my little girl safe, healthy and OUT!
That damn clotting needle hurt more than the labor almost! I swore when she stabbed me! Didn't even do that during the labor...
Ok... So we are home now... Just so tired but soooo happy...
Saturday, June 20, 2009
On the Hunt

These are of Joe out shooting - his favorite past time if he can manage it! What does he shoot?? Anything that moves! No... He is a resposible shooter, but would love to go and chase down a pig or a goat or something exciting like that! Bear would be FANTASTIC and a moose would be nice too... But that will not be happening - not in our back yard at least! We might just have to go and visit some family! ^_^!
Fat Pictures!

These are of me during my pregnancy... Bottom one is of me at umm... 20weeks I think?? And the one above is of me at 30?? I will have to check them... I also have another one that was taken Thursady but it is on a roll of film and needs developing... So when I put it on this page hopefully there will be a picture of the new baby too!
Friday, June 19, 2009
It's been like total ages since I was on here last! But I have decided that I need to pick up my feet and get bloggin again since I have like a whole bunch of family over seas.
So what has been happening??
Ummm... We are expecting again... in a few days I hope! I went to the doctor on Thurday and he said that my belly had dropped and that I should get ready for any time now. But this is a baby we are talking about so what is the likely hood of her doing what we want?? Ummm??? Like a million to one!! Oh - By the way she is a she! Another little girl! YAY!
Kaleb thinks that it's exciting and this morning was lying on my tummy trying to get close to her. Caitlin on the other hand thinks that she has to fight the little SheBean for her place in the family! It has been very hard on Caitlin. She has no idea what is going on or what to expect when SheBean gets here (where as Kaleb has an idea - having had a sister before). I think that she is very scared that she will get sharfted... No chance in that - she is such a strong willed little girl!
We are all organized for the arrival and I'm more than excited - though my excitement is turning quickly to anxiety. SheBean is due on the 2nd of July... Not far away but sill a long way off!! I am tired and sore and have just had enough...It is now just a waiting game. The children are starting to feel my anxiety and they are being little brats! Teasing one another and not doing as they are told. I can no longer take them out shopping either. Caitlin runs from me and says "Hahahaha! You can't get me!" coz I honestly can't catch her! Both children are pushing EVERY single button! And I'm so high on hormones that it's like I have turned into this ugly green monster! GERRR!!
Other than that??? Oh! We have finally moved into our new home! Joe is outside washing the windows and walls and getting rid of cobwebs and that nasty dog/wee smell that the house reaked of when we first came here. He is very proud of this house and so he should be! He and his dad have worked wonders on the inside and in the yard! Everything looks so lovely and to be honest I'm glad that we moved even though it was cutting it close to the arrival of the baby. We still have alot of things to finish off outside but all of that can be done in time and we don't need to rush it. I think that the main positive of this house is NO MICE! What a big bonus! Not just that there are no bugs at all either!
I am so relieved... those were some of the things that were really contributing to my anxiety and depression. That of which is coming under control now too. I'm doing a whole lot better and I am not even on any medication! I had to come off it for that baby's sake. I have dicovered the things that trigger my anxiety and depression and now know how to mangage them with stratagies and distractions. All in all I think that I'm doing the best that I've done in many long years. Even with all of the pressures that our little family has faced!
I can't hear the children any more?? I wonder where they have gotten to or what they have gotten into! Better be off! Toodles!
So what has been happening??
Ummm... We are expecting again... in a few days I hope! I went to the doctor on Thurday and he said that my belly had dropped and that I should get ready for any time now. But this is a baby we are talking about so what is the likely hood of her doing what we want?? Ummm??? Like a million to one!! Oh - By the way she is a she! Another little girl! YAY!
Kaleb thinks that it's exciting and this morning was lying on my tummy trying to get close to her. Caitlin on the other hand thinks that she has to fight the little SheBean for her place in the family! It has been very hard on Caitlin. She has no idea what is going on or what to expect when SheBean gets here (where as Kaleb has an idea - having had a sister before). I think that she is very scared that she will get sharfted... No chance in that - she is such a strong willed little girl!
We are all organized for the arrival and I'm more than excited - though my excitement is turning quickly to anxiety. SheBean is due on the 2nd of July... Not far away but sill a long way off!! I am tired and sore and have just had enough...It is now just a waiting game. The children are starting to feel my anxiety and they are being little brats! Teasing one another and not doing as they are told. I can no longer take them out shopping either. Caitlin runs from me and says "Hahahaha! You can't get me!" coz I honestly can't catch her! Both children are pushing EVERY single button! And I'm so high on hormones that it's like I have turned into this ugly green monster! GERRR!!
Other than that??? Oh! We have finally moved into our new home! Joe is outside washing the windows and walls and getting rid of cobwebs and that nasty dog/wee smell that the house reaked of when we first came here. He is very proud of this house and so he should be! He and his dad have worked wonders on the inside and in the yard! Everything looks so lovely and to be honest I'm glad that we moved even though it was cutting it close to the arrival of the baby. We still have alot of things to finish off outside but all of that can be done in time and we don't need to rush it. I think that the main positive of this house is NO MICE! What a big bonus! Not just that there are no bugs at all either!
I am so relieved... those were some of the things that were really contributing to my anxiety and depression. That of which is coming under control now too. I'm doing a whole lot better and I am not even on any medication! I had to come off it for that baby's sake. I have dicovered the things that trigger my anxiety and depression and now know how to mangage them with stratagies and distractions. All in all I think that I'm doing the best that I've done in many long years. Even with all of the pressures that our little family has faced!
I can't hear the children any more?? I wonder where they have gotten to or what they have gotten into! Better be off! Toodles!
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