Friday, April 16, 2010

Almost there...

This is my quilt! Well ok... so it isn't finished yet - but I'm getting there !! This is my first quilt! It will be finished soon - I hope before we shift - and be ready in time to be hung in our new home!
I have to redo the center rose block because I scorched the calico on the outer part of the block - Sigh - it took me ages to do it and will probably take me just as long to do it again! But what can you do when you seek perfection!
I have been having a dreadful time trying to get my machine to a satin stitch and have taken it in for a service just to make sure there isn't anything wrong with it... But alas no - it is the operator not the machine that can not get it together to do what is wanted!! So I have had to change the design of the quilt to suit my needs. Meaning it will look nothing like the original pattern but here's hoping that it will still look ok.
When I am finished I will surely let you know! Until then I will keep persevering till I have achieved satisfaction.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Just Like Daddy...

Kaleb and daddy sat together today looking at his gun. When Kaleb gets old enough - Like 16, he will be able to go shooting with Joe. All Kaleb can think about is his gun! He has bugged us something shocking to see it all day. But this is a two way street! It is a fantastic bargaining chip and all we have to do is mention it and he stops or starts...
Joe is drilling into him gun safety, like no pointing the gun at ANYONE whether it is loaded or not... And if he doesn't listen then Joe instantly takes the gun and puts it back in the safe! I dont even know where the key to the safe is! That is how protective Joe is about guns and safety!! Which is fare enough, we have too many little ones to be leaving guns around and being careless with them!!
It will be good for Kaleb and Joe to spend time together bonding. And if Joe teaches him what to do and not to do then there is less of a chance of an accident and silly play coming from Kaleb.